Nov 27, 2010

Why Blog? Dialectical Scripto-Therapy

Why blog? I mean, does everyone who owns a pc or a macbook deserve a section of cyberspace for a blog? Obviously, few people read this blog. So, why blog?

I'm not sure I have an answer to this question. I suppose I should have an answer, since here I am blogging away. But, I don't.

Perhaps, the answer will arise out of the blog itself, as it develops ideas and thoughts into useful materials for preaching, teaching, ministry and counseling. Perhaps, it will develop into a set of chapters for a book (of course, what I have written so far is too disjointed and paltry for a book). And, who says I get to write a book? Isn't that just my inflated ego? There are already too many poorly written books with nothing new to say! Why add to the information overload? But, maybe, nothing tangible will materialize out of this blog. Who says it has to? Maybe, it's just for me. A kind of scripto-therapy--ha, I should register or trademark that! "Scripto-therapy." Or, better yet, "Bloggo-therapy." Why not? I prefer to think through things by talking through it. So, maybe, that's what I'm doing. And, if by some chance others were to engage me on this blog, I could enjoy the blessings of a dialectical thought-process.

So, here's my answer to the question "Why blog?": Dialectical Scripto-Therapy ;)

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